Blessingway Mother Blessing Candle
Blessingway Mother Blessing Candles
Form a circle of support for the mother-to-be with these Mother Blessing Candles. To be shared among family and friends of the mother-to-be, and can be included as part of a Blessingway ceremony or baby shower. When labor begins, everyone in the circle of support lights their candles and sends prayers and blessings for an easy, healthy birth for mother and baby. A beautiful way to support the mother-to-be from near or far. Comes with instruction card and a Prayer for the Mother-to-Be.
The single Mother-to-Be Candle makes a perfect gift for any mother-to-be, for her to light when labor begins, during the first days spent with her newborn, or any other time she wishes to feel its supportive light. -------------------- Each candle is infused with Reiki, a universal healing energy, to bring peace and healing to all who come within its light. Made with clean burning soy wax and essential oils, they will not add any impurities to your environment.